Jason Salekin's Portfolio - New Age Services

I worked with New Age Services to redesign their website. They work with clients with developmental disabilities within the Calgary area.

The site is a Wordpress site using the Openstrap theme which is a Wordpress port of the Bootstrap framework. The theme used the css files from Bootstrap and Openstrap. I started by going over their site and I found some issues that had nothing to do with the look of the site. The top level menu items were not clickable so you could not look at the About Us page. Another issue I found on their site was that at smaller screen sizes the menu turns into a hamburger style dropdown. The issue was that when you clicked the dropdown it would open and then immediately close. I found that this was because of interactions between Bootstrap and Openstrap.
I started the redesign by making thumbnails of a potential redesign and the client liked them.

We ended up going with the last one as the design to go with. At first I was thinking of making a new theme for them to use but in the Openstrap code there was a comment on where to get information on making a child theme and I decided to do that. Making a child theme meant that the customization options of the Openstrap theme and thus make less work for me.
I found that while I was working on my child theme I found that the Openstrap theme is commented really well. It made working on it and my child theme really easy. I found I was trying to comment my code to the same level so if someone else were to work on my code in the future they will have the same experience I had. I made the front page grab the information from the About Us, the Programs and Services, and the Community Involvement pages. At first it was hard coded to those page slugs but after some more work I got it to grab the information from the first three top level menu items after the Home menu item. This way even if those first three pages change, the front page will dynamically change with them.